Services offered by us
Design management and leadership
A number of designers – architects and engineers – take part in drawing-up of construction design documents. Each of them takes care of their design field. We lead the cooperation of the designers in order to guarantee that as a final result integrated and coherent construction design documents accordant to the requirements of the client comes into being. High level design leadership is a vital key to success. We take care of that.
Development of design brief
Foundation of a good quality construction design documents is a substantial design brief of the client. With the help of the design brief the client expresses her/his wishes to the designer and the design brief is the basis for the design procurement and the design contract. A design brief includes architectural and engineering requirements, demands and restrictions as well as the definition of design program and organizational limits. As an assistance to the client we draw-up such a professional document. Likewise we help in the arrangement of the design procurement and conclusion of design contract.
Carrying out client assignments in development of construction design documents
Majority of buildings are unique and created as tailor-made. Good result can be achieved in close cooperation of the designers and the client only. The client must submit initial data, make choices among alternative solutions, express her/his opinion in intricate construction issues. With no experience it all can be strenuous. We assist the client in the carrying out of her/his assignments in the design process, likewise we keep an eye on whether the designers’ operation follows the design brief and the goals of the client.
Consultations in design and construction issues
Construction is an intricate field of activity with a number of nuances. Everything starts from construction design documents. Construction design documents is not a common goods which is manufactured as standard and can be fetched from a store. A building is designed accordant to the needs and situation. It is necessary to organize site investigations, procure design work, conclude the contracts, deliver initial data, estimate construction costs, apply for building-permit, organize construction. Furthermore – to be aware of the requirements of legal acts and codes of practice. We assist both clients as well as designers in finding the suitable path in this world and taking the correct decisions.
Continuing training in design issues
We offer training and education in how to order construction design work, organize design procurement, draw up contracts, carry out the tasks of lead designer and perform leadership in design work. Expertise in these fields contributes to the quality of construction design documents, leads to a better building and decreases the costs. Everybody who come in contact with design work are welcome – clients, architects, engineers, construction officials, construction managers.